Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Aging Gracefully

For some unknown reason, we were having a discussion on aging at the dinner table the other day. I was teasing the Boy about having to change our diapers, because we changed his - it only sees fair. He was not enjoying this topic, which only encouraged me. It finally ended this way...
The Boy to me: Mom will be around to change your diapers.
The Boy to the Wife: And when he dies (meaning me), I am moving to a houseboat in the Caribbean where you'll never find me.
Me: Then your mom will motor up to your houseboat and say - "Hey, come help me get this wetsuit off, its making my diaper ride up."

Needless to say, this imagery was too much for him to comprehend and the conversation ended will us all laughing hysterically.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Smelly Boy

For those of you that do not have a teenaged boy, let me inform you - they stink! Today, the boy was getting ready for soccer practice and asked me for air freshener. When I asked him why, he stated the smell of his shirt nearly made him puke. He then doused himself and his soccer gear with Febreze. Unfortunately, the Febreze wore off on the way to practice and we had to roll the windows down for both our sakes. You know its bad when the skunk has offended itself.

Another blonde moment

The Girl has an annoying habit of only hearing the last few words of a conversation. She then asks questions, necessitating a repeat of the entire conversation. She did this yesterday and it went like this...
Me (in response to her question): Never mind blondy.
The Girl: How many times have I told you people, I am not blonde. I'm a burnette.

This is not a misspelling, she actually said burn-ette. Thus proving she actually is blonde.