Friday, May 26, 2006

Lawnmower boy

The wife and I were discussing the holiday weekend plans for work around the house, when the subject of cutting the grass came up. She suggested the boy to handle this. I protested by reminding her that the last time he cut the grass he ran the tractor over the hose cutting it in several places, and ran into one of her flower beds. Then she reminded me that we had children so they could perform menial chores, freeing us up for margaritas and skinny dipping. Get on that tractor boy!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Don't mess with the 'do

I am a firm believer in catching your kids doing something right, rather than always catching them doing things wrong. The other morning, the girl was getting ready for the day, brushing her teeth. I gave her a hug and kissed her cheek, telling her that I loved her. Her response?
"Stop it dad, you're messing up my hair." What a smack down! I didn't even see it coming.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

I Swear

The children had this past Friday off from school and the wife stayed home with them. Here is a brief snippet from a conversation between the boy and a neighbor boy.
The boy: "How long was it until your mom was swearing today?"
Neighbor: "About 2:00."
The boy: "That's nothing, my mom was swearing by noon."
The spirit of compettition is alive and well.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Fly no more

The arrival of spring also brings with it various insectae, awakening from their winter's sleep. The girl was irritated by a fly buzzing on the window at dinner tonight. She smacked it with a newspaper and it fell to the ground. I asked her to dispose of the fly. As she inspected her handy work, she said, "Well, it's not dead, but his flying days are over." I kind of feel sorry for her future boyfriends.