Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Word of the Day

Hello kiddies, it's time for a new feature I call "Word of the Day" Every so often, I will introduce you to a new word to add to your vocabulary. Today's word is "Whiffet." A whiffet is a small, young, or unimportant person. Here is how you use it in a sentence - "My boss is a whiffet," or "Be quiet, you whiffet." Use this new word to impress your friends, insult people without them realizing it, and ge that promotion you been waiting for. Until next time - see ya!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Winter Blahs

The girl did possibly the dumbest thing in her life the other day - she got her tongue stuck on the metal bars of our backyard swingset. Yes, just like in the movie Christmas Story. She has seen the movie, she knows what happens! Well, she panicked and pulled until the tongue unstuck itself. She then came running in the house bleeding and crying. It is difficult to be compassionate and caring when you are laughing.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

New option for 2009

We have all heard of OnStar, they can call the vehicle after the airbag has been deployed or call 911, etc. Sounds like a great idea. Well, how about this - FartStar. A sensor in the dash will detect when a nasty fart has been deployed. When the acrid air reaches 33 parts per million, the windows automatically roll down and they call the vehicle to make sure everyone is all right. This should be available by model year 2009. FartStar - saving lives one car at a time.

Penny update

Just a quick update on Penny the Shih Tzu. Her new nickname is Naughty Nugget.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

4th Grade Logic

At lunch the other day, the subject of geography came up. The girl made the following assertion:
"Japan is not an island, and I should know. I'm in 4th garade you know!" How do you argue with logic like that?