Thursday, August 03, 2006

David slew the oven

Everybody knows the story of David and Goliath - the small man takes down the big man with a sling shot. This very story was acted out in our home just a few weeks ago. The boy was given a sling shot - a wrist rocket, a super powerful sling shot - by his friend. Without warning, he grabbed a metal marble and shot into the air, in the living room.

It arced over the love seat, the kitchen table, and the countertops until it impacted the glass front door of our new oven. I came home from work to a paper bag full of tiny pieces of black glass. The boy is grounded until he's 45, and the new glass is installed. We now have a white trash kitchen. Coming soon, a '77 Monte Carlo on blocks in the front yard.


Blogger darprice said...

'Cmon, upgrade to the El Camino at least. As for the shot heard round the home: There was arc? How could there be arc and still break the oven?

8:59 AM  
Blogger susabellpr said...

LMAO! The story I got from the boy is that the wind caught the marble and blew it into the oven. Hmmmmm...Are we missing a roof too?!!

9:00 PM  

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