Thursday, March 05, 2009

Bunny patrol

The dog, heretofore referred to as Lulu, is the biggest scaredy-cat in the canine world. Seriously, other dogs make fun of her. She is 65 lbs and waits for our other dog (15 lbs of ankle biting terror) to go potty when it's dark.
Lulu likes to sit halfway up the front stairs and look out the front windows, scouting for evil bunnies. When she sees one, she barks ferociously and demands to be let out to rid our property of this menace. There is no way evil bunnies will successfully launch a sneak attack on us. I have never felt safer.
Of course, if an actual intruder presented himself, Lulu is beyond useless. My brother-in-law arrived for a visit over the holidays and she pooped on the living room floor when he walked in. Maybe the smell will ward off criminals.


Blogger susabellpr said...

LOL...lucky she's cute! But pansies are cute....oh well!

6:58 PM  

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